前情提要:因为出国留学需要在`杭州国际旅行卫生保健中心`小程序上预约体检。体检有两种选择,1、自费350元,2、拥有美国签证免费体检。免费的羊毛不薅白不薅,我就提交了美国签证的证明材料。一天之后审核通过了,于是打开预约的界面。可是谁曾想到,免费的体检已经约到了8月11日(而我在8月8日就已经启程去美国了),而付费的预约却每天都有名额…这不是明显的区别对待吗??而且只有杭州这样搞,不能忍😡😡😡😡。开始想办法绕过这一个限制,试图约上最近的体检日期。Previously: Because of studying abroad, you need to make an appointment on the mini program of Hangzhou International Travel Health Care Center. There are two options for physical examination, 1, 350 yuan at your own expense, 2, free physical examination with a US visa. The free wool was not collected, so I submitted the proof of the United States visa. A day later, the review is approved, and the appointment screen is opened. But who would have thought that the free medical examination has been about August 11 (and I have left for the United States on August 8), and the paid appointment has a place every day... Isn't that a clear distinction? And only Hangzhou is doing this. 😡😡😡😡. Start looking for ways to get around this restriction, trying to schedule a recent medical exam date.
小程序可以在电脑端微信和浏览器打开。并且其后端接口没有加密(狂喜)。这意味着我们又多了一条破解的路可以走(劫持/伪造后端响应)。Hangzhou International Travel Health Care Center
mini program can be opened on the computer side of wechat and browser. And the back-end interface is not encrypted (ecstatic). This means we have one more way to hack (hijacking/faking backend responses).
Modify front-end HTML properties
The first attempt is certainly the easiest, modifying the front-end html to send a forged front-end form to the back-end. Try modifying the html class class directly first, changing it to a selectable date. For example, the day of July 24 could not be booked, we opened the browser 'F12' developer mode. Modify the full property to a reducible class based on the optional date, to be clickable.

However, it did not work, and still could not select July 24. This program is not designed in pure html.
Even if the date is forcibly selected, the following booking period form will not trigger the js code, resulting in the following selection period interface can not jump out, also can not click the confirm button.

Is there no way?
I don't know why the menu for selecting a time period doesn't pop up automatically. Even though I copied down the HTML code for the selected time period of the reducible date and pieced it together under the irreducible date. You still can't check the selection box for the HTML.
Back-end breakthrough
Remember what I said earlier about the back-end interface not being encrypted? It's easy to think about going to F12 for a network request and seeing how the interface responds.
For each refresh request, the front end sends two requests, one '0000050' and one 'personal'. Obviously, the judgment about the reservation quota is derived from the personal interface. For the expiration date, the interface displays the following:

For unexpired dates, the interface displays the following:

It is easy to see that 'freeCount' is the variable that determines the number of remaining seats, and 'disabled' is 1, which means that it cannot be selected on that day. periodList represents the optional time period for the date, which is the form that can't pop up before.
How do you hijack and modify the backend response?
This is a method that may be used for the front end, because in actual development, when the back end is not well developed, in order to debug the front end. Front-end developers often use tools to simulate responses on the back end. However, I have not implemented it, and it has been confirmed that it is not so simple, and it can be cracked only by manual tampering.
Went to Google for a question about how to hijack the response to a modified backend request. Found some very useful tools and browser plugins. Tried a few
For example, js code written by a netizen can be easily embedded directly into the browser for use. After the request is intercepted, the parameters of the request and response can be modified directly in the pop-up message box.

I also tried other tools such as browser plugins. Found that even if the tampering was successful, it could not be clicked (still showing irreducibility).
I'm about to give up here... I didn't realize the system was so well designed. It may be that there is a limit on the response time of the interface, but the manual tampering will timeout after the modification. The front end has rendered at this point, and since no response was received from the back end, all dates appear irreducible 😂
Fiddler! A bag grab tool
It came up in an Internet search of the hijacking. I think I had this software installed on my computer. Opened it up and studied it.
Install the https certificate for the tool because the https protocol is used. After filtering, capture and decrypt the back-end interface traffic.

成功解密了。后面又发现了这个软件有个功能autoResponder。看了介绍写着`Fiddler can return previously generated responses instead of using the network`
Successfully decrypted. And then it turns out that this software has a function called autoResponder. It says' Fiddler can return previously generated responses instead of using the network '
Isn't that what I want? Daaaaaa!

The AutoResponder, in short, can be configured to automatically intercept back-end requests for the url and have the Fiddler agent respond to previous requests. Tramp, tramp, tramp! Automatic response!
I drag the record of the previous request into the AutoResponder and turn on intercept. Sure enough, Fiddler automatically intercepted the request!
Now is the final step, to modify the autointercept response body!
According to the previous rule, I changed the response parameter on July 24th and set 2 freeCount and periodList. And enable automatic response rules.


Click to confirm, come to the payment time! Pay 0 yuan, soon received a successful appointment notice. !

White whoring feels so good! Once again, we condemn Hangzhou International Travel Health Care Center for discriminating between paid and free users!
The back end still needs to be encrypted!
- 作者:NotionNext
- 链接:https://blog.battleboy.top/article/ff45626d-5036-46a8-8372-e3e883a7dcc0
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